Older Adults Increasingly Use Cannabis Medicinally

Interesting article but certainly not a surprise . Older folks often experience muscle skeletal discomfort at elevated levels due to the wear and tear of aging. Cannibis can and does give relief without the dangers of addiction. In short cannabis beats opiods or booze all day long. Every day. All year long. Of course there are a myriad of ailments older people have to deal with and cannabis often is the best and most effective way to treat them. I know as I've used cannabis medicinally for going on four years. Cannabis is very good for improving mindfullness and acheiving a better and fuller understanding of just who YOU really are. In other words cannabis helps you see yourself as you reakky are. Just like Bob Marley said it does. If you do not resist its ability to help you grow and become a better person. When the feds finally decriminalizing cannabis extensive research into the vast benefits of cannabis will explode and we will finally be able to unlock much that has been kept...