An American Corporation With Some Very Good Common Sense!

Amazon endorsed legal weed. Will it now fight to make it happen? The company’s money and power could be a game-changer for federal cannabis policy. It's not too far fetched to think a rational, intelligent, and successful company with lots of money and the power money brings with it would be the vehicle to wake up a government that had been lying about cannabis for nearly 100 years. As well as imprisoning good folks for consuming what is known to be a healthful as well as enjoyable experience. On to the article. When it announced its support for lawmakers’ efforts to decriminalize weed last month, Amazon didn’t just become the biggest company in America to back marijuana legalization, it captivated the cannabis industry in the process. Now, as bills pushing legalization remain stuck in Congress, activists fighting for liberalized cannabis laws are hoping the e-commerce giant will take the next step and use its considerable D.C. muscle to help get them passed. Lobbyist...