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Canada: No Increase in Hospitalizations Following Adult-Use Legalization...

  All the bogus claims of the United States government about the dangers of canabis iuse continue to fall apart. Toronto, Canada :  Policies legalizing the use and sale of cannabis products have not led to an increase in marijuana-related hospitalizations, according to  data  published in the  Journal of Addictive Diseases . Canadian investigators tracked rates of cannabis-related hospitalizations in Alberta in the years prior to and following legalization. Canadian lawmakers  legalized  the use and sale of cannabis flowers for those ages 18 and older in October 2018. Retailers began engaging in the sales of cannabis concentrates and edible products in 2020. Researchers identified an increase in hospitalizations among those ages 18 to 24 in the period immediately prior to legalization, but they acknowledged that there were no increases in hospitalizations following legalization among representatives of any age group.  “Legalization was not significantly associated with immediate or ong