
Showing posts with the label CCCR #12

Americans Of All Political Affiliations Support Cannabis Legalization At the National Level...

America is finally waking up to the many benefits of cannabis. Both medicinally and recreationally. Cannabis not only has many beneficial qualities it also is far less dangerous socially than alcohol or opiates.   NORML -   Nearly seven in ten registered voters favor “legalizing the recreational use of marijuana on a national level,” according to nationwide  polling data  commissioned by Fox News. Sixty-nine percent of respondents — including  majorities  of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents — back legalization. Only 30 percent of respondents opposed it. Those percentages are consistent with those of other recent national polls, including a  2023 survey  by Gallup. The percentage of respondents expressing “strong support” for legalization rose six percent since 2019, the last time Fox polled the question. “There’s no ‘buyer’s remorse’ among the public when it comes to legalizing cannabis,” NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano said. “As  more states  have adopted legalization,