Study On Effects Of Cannabis Use On Adolescents

A 2021 study just released on the effects of cannabis use among youth (adolescents) associates altered brain development with its use. "Researchers found that adolescents who reported moderate-to-heavy cannabis use tended to have reduced thickness in left and right prefrontal cortices, an area of the brain involved in planning, decision making, working memory and learning. There was a dose-dependent relationship between cannabis use and cortical thickness." Certainly this is an area of concern and it requires significantly more research. As we enjoy the many healthful benefits of adult cannabis use we MUST be mindful of its effect(s) on ourdeveloping youth. On to the article... Longitudinal study indicates that cannabis use during adolescence is linked to altered neurodevelopment PsyPost - Cannabis use during adolescence is associated with altered brain development, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry . The new research represents the largest longit...