It Is Time To Rectify the Damage Caused By the Immoral "War on Drugs"

It is clear the actual intented purposes behind Richard Nixon's failed "War on Drugs", his most lasting legacy, was actually quite successful . Putting peop le of color behind bars . The "War on Drugs" lie is right up their with other racist legacies of America. Like slavery, Jim Crow laws, the attempted genocide of our native poopuatiion, the imprisonment of Japaneese America during WW II, and more. Excerpt from Stoner The War on Drugs is finally experiencing a long-overdue counterattack from the states enacting plans for marijuana legalization. Recent data supports the assertion that both African Americans and Caucasians consume marijuana equally. Despite this, there is a huge disparity between the number of minorities and white americans being penalized and incarcerated for cannabis use or possession. African Americans, Hipics, and Caucasians each make up about 30% of the population in Oakland, California, but over 95% of the arrests for marijuana involv...