Truth Will Always Prevail... Sometimes It Just Takes Awhile
Good morning, and a wonderful morning is is!
While perusing cannabis news this morning we came across a short comment on Quora and decided to share it with you all.
Insistence by intelligent people, including those of we Boomers who never did stop using cannabis since the 1950s and continue to do so today, amazingly we weren’t all slovenly homeless people relying on the state to support us.
We were, in fact, productive members of society who decided to continue to “poke smot “ our entire lives.
I’m always amazed at the “no long term studies” bla bla bla comments..there are lots of long term studies. I tried to volunteer for a long term study when I was in my 60s but was turned down!
I am a living long term study, as are many others of my generation!
Here’s an amazing fact. Ready? The government lied to us. I know. It’s really hard to believe, but the briefest study of Harry Ainslinger, a politician who was supportive of prohibition, then when that was repealed needed another bandwagon to climb in, picked cannabis.
And William Randolph Hearst, newspaperman and owner of vast tracts of forest, who was afraid the lowly hemp plant would become the basis of newspaper instead of his trees. He sold newsprint to papers all over the east coast. He was rich but wanted to be richer.
There were other culprits but I challenge any interested person to read the truth instead of government propaganda.
Dickie Nixon was afraid of the hippies and decided if he couldn’t shut us up any other way, he’d wage a war on drugs. We’re still seeing the results of that war today with incarcerated black men who were caught holding a joint. That would get you 30 years, thanks to Dickies War on Drugs.
Yeah. Things have changed. But not fast enough.
Things change slowly in America that's for certain. But at least they are changing and that folks is really all that matters.
Onward and upwards as we keep up the good fight for total and complete decriminalization of Natures finest gift to humankind. Cannabis in all its wonderful forms.
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