Magic Mushrooms and Retreats...

Knowing the multitude of benefits derived from cannabinoids first hand i've become more interested in plant based medicine more broadly and specifically p sychedelics. So, i went searching and came across the following article of interest. Rather than summarize i am bringing it here. full stop. Without further ado, from CLN ... What is the Journeymen Collective magic mushroom retreat? Contemporary shamans Gary Logan and Rob Grover sat down with CLN the other day to discuss what really happens in a psychedelic treat. Is it a type of psychedelic therapy? Not really, says Rob. " It’s more along the lines of personal development. We recognize that there are clinical uses, there are recreational uses, and we’re in somewhat of the middle. What we’ve done is we’ve combined about sixty years of experience in personal metaphysical, spiritual teachings, and professional development as well. And we bridged all of those realms together to create what we know as the Jo...