We Hope This Indicates More Rapid Advancement Of A Sensible and Beneficial National Policy On Cannabius Legalization

Does President Biden's selection of Rahul Gupta, the former chair of the West Virginia Medical Cannnabis Board to head up the Office of National Drug Policy offer a little insight as to where President Biden is heading in regard to national cannabis delisting and legalizatiion? Of course we're hoping for sooner rather than later. President Joe Biden has selected Rahul Gupta as his nominee to head the Office of National Drug Policy (ONDCP), or ‘drug czar.’ Gupta is the former chair of the West Virginia Medical Cannabis Advisory Board where he was openly in favor of medical cannabis, implementing a medical cannabis program in direct conflict with federal law. Gupta played a central role in West Virginia’s medical cannabis program. Should Gupta be selected by the Senate, it will be the first time a medical cannabis advocate had served in the position, which is significant because the ONDCP director is in a position requires one to oppose any efforts at legalizing cannabis or oth...