Cannabis and Blueberries, A Dynamic Duo Of Health!

Plus Gummies - Photo credit: Sam Wahl Emerald - J uly is National Blueberry Month, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Blueberries are super foods, reports Healthline . They are chock-full of antioxidants, fiber and vitamins C and K. Aside from their benefits for the mind and body, they’re also a popular ingredient in cannabis products, perhaps because many find their flavor to compliment the plant’s herbal tones. In celebration of blueberries, Emerald has rounded up a few blueberry-flavored or inspired infusions that our contributor’s have featured over the years. Having a heaping tablespoonfull of jealthful blueberries with your healthful cannabis is one super healthy way to start your day. For more on cannabis blueberry delights continue reading BELOW the FOLD .