Showing posts with the label Cannabis Decriminalization & Federal Legalozation
The Right's Continuing Attack On Democracy In General and Specifically Cannabis Legalization
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Conservative republicans are now beginning a new front in its War On Democracy. Their new attack front? Overturning the will of the people through activist conservative courts . IOW the damn authoritarian republicans are giving the stiff middle one to democracy and the will of the people when the will of the people does not fit the conserfative narrative and agenda. Which as we are seeing is always less freedom and individual liberty. It is what conservative republicans so. On to the article. Conservative lawmakers are asking the courts to block the will of the people on pro-legalization ballot initiatives Rolling Stone - Ken Newburger felt like he’d been blindsided. He knew a legal challenge had been mounted against the medical cannabis ballot initiative he’d worked on last year in Mississippi . He knew the state’s Supreme Court had taken up the case. But the argument against Initiative 65 was so nonsensical that Newburger had zero doubt the court ...
More States Need To Follow Suit... So Does the Federal Government
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The governor of the Great State of Colorado is set to issue more pardons for individuals who were convicted of mere possession under the archaic and evil marijuana laws of The United States of America. The governor obviously and clearly sees the gross hypocrisy and unjust situation and has the cajones to actually do something about it. With the state increasing legal possession up to 2 ounces it is ridiculous not do so. We applaud Governor Polis for his decision. On to the article. Cannabis Business Executive - Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said Thursday that he will issue additional pardons to Coloradans convicted of low-level marijuana possession crimes now that he’s signed a bill into law allowing people to have up to 2 ounces of cannabis. House Bill 1090 , which Polis made a law on Thursday, doubles Colorado’s recreational marjuana possession limit to 2 ounces for adults 21 and older. It also gives people convicted of possessing up to 2 ounces of canna...
Conservative Republican States Are Finally Starting To Get It
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The American people are growing more and more suppprtive of cannabis use in America. Especially medical cannabis. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans support recreational cannabis use as well. Americans in majority understand the many benefits that nature's wonddrous gift to humankind has to offer. Sooner or later the natsayers will all fall away and America will decriminalize cannabis at the federal level and l;egalize it fir all to use. It's only a matter of time. America’s most conservative states are embracing medical pot Despite struggles in Kentucky and Tennessee, the year looks up for medical marijuana supporters. POLITICO - Many of the nation’s medical marijuana holdouts are giving in as pot activists make inroads this year with conservative strongholds — and are poised to notch more wins in the coming weeks. Medical marijuana bills are advancing in the Republican-controlled legislatures of North Carolina, Alabama and Kansas for the first time. Efforts...
The US Government Is Still In the Dark Ages With Regards To Cannabis
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Found the following in Quora today. Thought it worth reposting as there is much truth in the few simple words penned there. Why is the US Government so against marijuana when studies show and prove its positive effects on a variety of diseases as well as the taxes it's brought in for schools in states that have legalized? When it was declared illegal nearly 100 years ago, it was for political purposes. When Nixon re-up’d the drug war, it was for political reasons. They were recommending decriminalization at the time and he went hard the other way, using it as a tool to arrest and disrupt communities of colour and war protesters. In the meantime many groups popped up to preach against the dangers of cannabis, assuming that it must be bad if its illegal. DARE came out and taught many false-hoods about drugs, notably the gateway theory, that cannabis is addictive and it could kill you. Since the internet was born and placed easy verification of facts within our grasp, we realiz...
Time To Decriminalize and Legalize Cannabis at the Federal Level
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Democrats, the party of ideas and progress (usually) are stalling on their promise to decriminalize /legalize cannabis at the federal level. Two senators, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (NH) and Sen. Jon Tester (MT) are the holdouts in the senate. These stuck in the mud democrats of the ole "Refer Madness" and "Devil's Weed" mentality who pitch the old and debunked "mamajuana is a gateway drug" bullshit will be the responsible parties for keeping US law on cannabis back in the dark ages of Anslinger and cannabis demonization and criminalization. The truth is cannabis has been used successfully to get people off the sauce and harder drugs. Willful ignorance in US lawmakers, especially among democrats and independents is something hard to understand in this day and age. The future of cannabis decriminalization and full legalization at the federal level will likely be left for the less judgmental and more forward thinking o...
Has Biden Changed His Mind? He Is A Politician After All Is Said And Done
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