The Cannabis Industry Has a Big Carbon Footprint

Cannabis' negative? It's energy intensive. And, it directly affect greenhouse gas production. Given what we now unquestionably know, that global warming and its destructive forces are real and at work even as I type, the growing cannabis industry and the politicans supporting it had damn well better get a handle on reducing the carbon footprint of cannabis. EARLY! On to the article... POLITICO - Marijuana has never been more popular in the U.S. — and its carbon emissions have never posed a bigger threat to the climate. America’s patchwork approach to legalizing weed has helped make cannabis cultivation one of the most energy-intensive crops in the nation. And as states increasingly embrace marijuana, a growing source of greenhouse gases is going essentially unnoticed by climate hawks on Capitol Hill. Nationally, 80 percent of cannabis is cultivated indoors with sophisticated lighting and environmental controls designed to maximize the plant’s yield. It’s a setup that can c...