New Orleans Getting It Right As Best They Can

Justice often takes years to happen. But finally, after the United States immoral and destructive "war on drugs", people (and governments) are finally beginning to see the egregious error of their former ways. A cause for celebration in New Orleans today. Hopefully, before too long, every single person still alive, of every stripe and color who had their lives negatively impacted in any way by the immoral "war on drugs" will have their records completely expunged. On o the article... Cannabis Decriminalized in New Orleans On Thursday, August 5, New Orleans took a historic step. The New Orleans City Council passed a series of articles to pardon cannabis -related charges and any future charges. Effectively aiming to decriminalize cannabis, the city is making an effort to work with the NOPD to end the war on weed. While they cannot make it completely legal at a state level, they are working towards allowing the department to focus on major crimes. The unanimous vote ...