Repubs In DC Seek Ban On Welfare Sales At Dispensaries
Once again conservative republicans in Washigton DC (and we assume elsewhere as well) are showing us they do NOT believe American adults have the intelligence or individual right to make choices for their own lives and well being. Apparently unless what folks want fits neatly into the conservative republican agendas they are often simply SOL. So much for the conservative republican mantra of liberty, liberty, liberty. It may be applicable for some but CERTAINLY not for all. With conservative republicans one always needs to be suspect. On to the article... Culture Magazine - Re publican lawmakers in Washington, D.C. have introduced legislation that would ban the spending of federal welfare benefits at cannabis dispensaries. Two pending pieces of legislation include language to prohibit the use of welfare benefits at marijuana retailers, including a wide-reaching Senate welfare reform bill and a stand-alone measure in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, Republican Senator St...