A Long Awaited POTENTIAL Correction To Our Immoral And Archaic Cannabis Prohibition At The Federal Level

It's time for the President to get solidly behind these efforts! MjBizDaily - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly on Wednesday will release a “discussion draft” of a long-awaited marijuana reform bill. The measure is expected to: Remove the plant from the federal Controlled Substances Act. Impose a federal tax. Largely leave states in control of deciding how to approach legalization. Benefit individuals and communities affected by the war on drugs. Largely leave states in control of deciding how to approach legalization. The bill is being called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, according to Bloomberg News and other media outlets, but it’s unclear when the measure will actually be introduced and considered by lawmakers. The bill is being called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, according to Bloomberg News and other media outlets, but it’s unclear when the measure will actually be introduced and considered by lawmake...