
The US Government Is Still In the Dark Ages With Regards To Cannabis

Found the following in Quora today. Thought it worth reposting as there is much truth in the few simple words penned there. Why is the US Government so against marijuana when studies show and prove its positive effects on a variety of diseases as well as the taxes it's brought in for schools in states that have legalized? When it was declared illegal nearly 100 years ago, it was for political purposes. When Nixon re-up’d the drug war, it was for political reasons. They were recommending decriminalization at the time and he went hard the other way, using it as a tool to arrest and disrupt communities of colour and war protesters. In the meantime many groups popped up to preach against the dangers of cannabis, assuming that it must be bad if its illegal. DARE came out and taught many false-hoods about drugs, notably the gateway theory, that cannabis is addictive and it could kill you. Since the internet was born and placed easy verification of facts within our grasp, we realized th

"Weed I Love"


Time To Decriminalize and Legalize Cannabis at the Federal Level

  Democrats, the party of ideas and progress (usually) are stalling on their promise to decriminalize /legalize cannabis at the federal level. Two senators,  Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (NH) and  Sen. Jon Tester (MT) are the holdouts in the senate. These stuck in the mud democrats of the ole "Refer Madness" and "Devil's Weed" mentality who pitch the old and debunked "mamajuana is a gateway drug" bullshit will be the responsible parties for keeping US law on cannabis back in the dark ages of  Anslinger and  cannabis demonization and criminalization.  The truth is cannabis has been used successfully to get people off the sauce and harder drugs. Willful ignorance in US lawmakers, especially among democrats and independents is something hard to understand in this day and age.  The future of cannabis decriminalization and full legalization at the federal level will likely be left for the less judgmental and more forward thinking open minded younger generations. In

"It's All Going To Pot" - Willie Nelson & Merle Haggard

  We've always liked Willie and Merle. This one is one of our favorites!


 From time to time on Sunday at Cannabis Corner Chat Room  we will feature a recipe. Today we offer up a cannabis salad dressing recipe. Something simple to start off with. Infused Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette You will need the following ingredients to make your own cannabis infused maple balsamic vinaigrette: 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 tablespoon of maple syrup 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard 3 tablespoons of infused olive oil (30mg THC/tbsp) Pinch of salt and pepper If you own a magic butter machine this vinaigrette recipe couldn’t be any easier for you. Simply add all ingredients into your magic butter machine, lock the lid, set to blend, and hang out while your new cannabis salad dressing prepares itself! But if you don’t have a magic butter machine, no need to worry you can still make it. For making this salad dressing recipe without a magic butter machine, simply add all ingredients to a small bowl and whisk thoroughly. You’ll be able to achieve the

Has Biden Changed His Mind? He Is A Politician After All Is Said And Done

Is Biden really a man of his word on this issue? Doubt remains.

Truth Will Always Prevail... Sometimes It Just Takes Awhile

 Good morning, and a wonderful morning is is! While perusing cannabis news this morning we came across a short comment on Quora   and decided to share it with you all. Why has the government/public opinion on marijuana changed so much? Elle Hayes ,  OR medical card holder and experienced cannabis advocate Updated September 9, 2020 Insistence by intelligent people, including those of we Boomers who never did stop using cannabis since the 1950s and continue to do so today, amazingly we weren’t all slovenly homeless people relying on the state to support us. We were, in fact, productive members of society who decided to continue to “poke smot “ our entire lives. I’m always amazed at the “no long term studies” bla bla bla comments..there are lots of long term studies. I tried to volunteer for a long term study when I was in my 60s but was turned down! I  am a living long term study, as are many others of my generation! Here’s an amazing fact. Ready? The government lied to us. I know. It’s

So True!


Growing Interest In Psychedelics

  No hallucination: Psychedelics could be next cannabis-like boom It is so encouraging to witness the growing acceptance of cannabis as viable medicine to treat multiple conditions and ailments. Over the past 3 1/2 years,while medicating with cannabis, my thoghts turned to the possible use of cannabis during therapy sessions with your therapist. Cannabis does tend to open ones mind to truth and new possibilities. Being honest with yourself just seems to come easier. With the new interest on psychedelics as possible treatment for certain mental and emotional illnesses the medicine chest for treating the human condition in an ever changing and evolving modern society will surely grow. And that folks will be very positive growth in societal norms. It is way past time to shed the counter producticve and destructive judgemental forces that have defined cannabis and psychedelics substances for the past 100 years. On to the eature article... MjBixDaily - (This story has been updated to refle

Cannabis Has Given Me So Much

  Cannabis has been a real life changer and it has all been for the good. After suffering from severe insomnia for 20 years (sure I tried plenty of the stuff that doesn't work) and the anxiety it brought about cannabis has changes all of that that. Those 2 conditions combined with GERD and muscle skeletal discomfort (I'm a 69 year young personal trainer) allowed me to get a medical certification from a cannabis friendly doctor and 31/2 years ago I was finally on my way to better health and a happier more fulling life. The insomnia is now almost non existent and while the anxiety still rears its head now and again it is less often and not nearly as pronounced when it does strike. GERD is less bothersome and while arthritis and musculoskeletal issues will always be present to a degree at least treating it with cannabis curbs the discomfort when it is egregiously bad. Daily use of medicinal cannabis (I consume only after 7:00 PM when the day is done) has not only given me welcome