
Now All We Need Is For Republicans To Wake Up To Understanding the Truth That Marijuana Laws Are Evil and Criminal...,

US House Approves Cannabis Decriminalization Bill The House of Representatives passed the MORE Act, a bill to end the national prohibition of cannabis. By A.J. Herrington Published on   April 5, 2022 SHARE TWEET On April 1, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to decriminalize cannabis on the federal level with the passage of the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. Lawmakers approved the legislation with a 220-204 vote, passed largely along party lines by the House’s Democratic majority. “This landmark legislation is one of the most important criminal justice reform bills in recent history: delivering justice for those harmed by the brutal, unfair consequences of criminalization; opening the doors of opportunity for all to participate in this rapidly growing industry; and decriminalizing cannabis at the federal level so we do not repeat the grave mistakes of our past,” Speaker of the House  Nancy Pelosi said  on the House floor before t...

Times are a Changin... It's Only a Matter of Time...

 From: March 24, 2022 Friend, Y es, you read that correctly. After asking you to speak out and to demand a vote in Congress to end marijuana prohibition, your voices have been heard. We just received notification this afternoon that the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act is scheduled for a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives next week! It is incredibly important that we continue building momentum for removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and repairing the harms caused by America's disastrous federal marijuana laws, and your continued support is helping us to move the ball forward. Next week's vote will mark only the second time in more than 50 years that a chamber of Congress has revisited the classification of cannabis as a federally prohibited substance. As we head into the midterm elections, this vote will provide us with a record of where our elected officials stand on this important public policy. We still have muc...

Time For Federal Legalization of Cannabis... NOW!

  Chicago, IL:   Two-thirds of US adults favor a repeal of federal marijuana prohibition, according to nationwide  polling data  compiled by Harris Research. Sixty-six percent of respondents in a nationally representative sample endorse legalizing cannabis for adults, with support being strongest among millennials (79 percent) and members of Generation X (76 percent). By contrast, just under 50 percent of Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) backed adult-use legalization. The results are consistent with those of other  recent national polls , including those by  Gallup ,  Morning Consult , and  Quinnipiac University , showing that a supermajority of Americans believe that marijuana ought to be legalized for adults.  When asked whether cannabis should be legal for medical purposes, 84 percent of respondents answered affirmatively – a percentage that is also consistent with prior polling. Additional polling information is available f...

The Wave of the Future

  Seattle, WA :   In a public statement issued Tuesday, representatives of the Amazon corporation   offered   additional clarification regarding its rollback of marijuana-related drug screening in the workplace as well as its support for draft legislation offered by Senators Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker, and Ron Wyden to repeal federal marijuana criminalization. The company   initially announced   changes to its marijuana-related policies in June. A  blog  post  by HR Director Beth Galetti reaffirms that the company will no longer include pre-employment screenings for marijuana use among new hires, except for those in federally regulated positions (that mandate drug testing). The company further announced that it has “reinstated eligibility for former employees and applicants who were previously terminated or deferred during random or pre-employment marijuana screenings.” Commenting on Amazon’s announcement, NORML’s Political Director Justin St...

In Case Anyone Is Actually Interested In Truth...,

  Giving a convoluted twist to the meaning of  Natural Selection! Bravo Trumpublican republicans. Cross posted to Rational Nation USA .

Wisdom Of a Buddhist Monk


Canabis Corner Chat Room's Rarely Seen Character and Political Statement - DeSantis Is Unethical As Well As A Moron Who Is Endangering the Lives and Well Being of Floridians and Others

  If Floridians are wise they will dump this ignorantly dangerous idiot and relegate him to that rotting s- - t pile of pathetic and disgusting politicians.

Cleaning the Environment of Carbon Emissions

  Ayup, hemp (cannabis) has the capacity to help us often ignorant humans in our quest to clean the environment of carbon emissions. Thus helping mitigate the now rapidly advancing Global Warming. According to the following article we need to start planting and maintaining hemp everyehere possible around the globe.  In addition to this the rapidly growing medical and recreational cannabis industry must find ways to reduce the carbon intensity created by grow lights and other carbon intensive processes in the production of the industry's product. Enjoy the details at   

An Hour Twenty Minutes Worth of 90's Reggae


The Cannabis Industry Has a Big Carbon Footprint

Cannabis' negative? It's energy intensive. And, it directly affect greenhouse gas production. Given what we now unquestionably know, that global warming and its destructive forces are real and at work even as I type, the growing cannabis industry and the politicans supporting it had damn well better get a handle on reducing the carbon footprint of cannabis. EARLY! On to the article...   POLITICO -  Marijuana has never been more popular in the U.S. — and its carbon emissions have never posed a bigger threat to the climate. America’s patchwork approach to legalizing weed has helped make cannabis cultivation one of the most energy-intensive crops in the nation. And as states increasingly embrace marijuana, a growing source of greenhouse gases is going essentially unnoticed by climate hawks on Capitol Hill. Nationally, 80 percent of cannabis is cultivated indoors with sophisticated lighting and environmental controls designed to maximize the plant’s yield. It’s a setup that can c...