
We Hope This Indicates More Rapid Advancement Of A Sensible and Beneficial National Policy On Cannabius Legalization

Does President Biden's selection of Rahul Gupta, the former chair of the West Virginia Medical Cannnabis Board to head up the Office of National Drug Policy offer a little insight as to where President Biden is heading in regard to national cannabis delisting and legalizatiion? Of course we're hoping for sooner rather than later. President Joe Biden has selected Rahul Gupta as his nominee to head the Office of National Drug Policy (ONDCP), or ‘drug czar.’ Gupta is the former chair of the West Virginia Medical Cannabis Advisory Board where he was openly in favor of medical cannabis, implementing a medical cannabis program in direct conflict with federal law. Gupta played a central role in West Virginia’s medical cannabis program. Should Gupta be selected by the Senate, it will be the first time a medical cannabis advocate had served in the position, which is significant because the ONDCP director is in a position requires one to oppose any efforts at legalizing cannabis or oth

Cannabis Tax Dollars Used To Support Education

The Cannabis Industry proving that cannabis is better for both  health and  education, Pueblo County Colorado is set to award more than $2 million in scholarships from cannabis tax revenues, according to the The Pueblo Chieftain. Pueblo County will award $1 million to Pueblo Community College, $616,000 to the Colorado State University Pueblo Foundation, $385,000 to CSU Pueblo Athletics for student-athletes as well as $26,000 to the Pueblo African American Concern Organization. On to the article and more on the positive societal impact legalized cannabis is having on American culture. Culture Magazine - Colorado is continuing their push to help fund educational ventures in the state with cannabis tax revenue, with Pueblo County set to award more than $2 million in scholarships from that revenue, according to   The Pueblo Chieftain . The announcement comes ahead of the upcoming fall semester, and the country will award $1 million to Pueblo Community College, $616,000 to the Colorado Sta

Another From Willie


Tobacco's Future May Be In Cannabis

Tobacco, an extremely harmful plant when smoked in any form, may be evolving into a much less harmful past time. And the driver? Cannibis. Phillip Morris International's CEO made the following statement recently...    the UK government should treat cigarettes like petrol cars and ban them in 10 year . The reason?  As  British American Tobacco (BAT) executive Kingsley Wheaton explains...    "I think [CBD vaping] is part of the future, but the present challenge is reduced harm in tobacco and nicotine alternatives, encouraging people to switch."   So there it is.  As tobacco use declines and tobacco companies work to re-envision their business  the healthful benefits of cannabis will proliferate further in society  and folks up and down the societal sprectrum will become healthier, happier, and more contented with life and its possibilities! Without further ado on to the article... Forbes -  When Philip Morris International (PMI) CEO Jacek Olczak told  The Mail on Sunday  th

Health Benefits Of Combining Cannabis and Yoga

Speaking from my perch as a personal trainer, health and fitness advocate, and a happy contentedd stoner I can unequivacally state that Katrina and Tony have hit on a fabulous idea to bring more enjoyment and enhanced well being to cannabis enthusiasts. On to the article... Stoner -   Business owners Katrina and Tony have spun two amazing things together, cannabis and yoga. A new and growing trend of canna-yoga, is taking the recreational and medical states by storm and Herb N’ Yoga is no exception! By blending cannabis with the therapy of yoga, it promotes relaxation and can bring you to a higher level of consciousness. The studies are clear on the cannabinoids, THC and CBD. The American Cancer Society states that THC “can help relieve pain and nausea, reduce inflammation, and can act as an antioxidant.” It also states CBD, “can help treat seizures, and can reduce anxiety and paranoia.” According to the Livestrong Foundation, marijuana “can help reduce symptoms of muscle tension or m

Compassion and Cannabis - Two Commodities This Nation Needs An Abundance Of

The nation could certainly use more of this. There is never enough love amd compassion to go around. Even in genuinely good times. Given the mood of the nation and the horrible political divisiveness today we surely need MORE of this kind of compassion. On to the article... Free or Discounted Weed: 8 Compassionate Care Programs for Cannabis Lovers Compassionate care programs offer a range of discounts to patients. Photo credit: Envato Emerald - Cannabis companies all over the U.S. and beyond are involved in compassionate care programs for their consumers. These programs are available to a variety of individuals and provide discounts based on the consumer’s needs.  While some projects specialize in veterans or those with disabilities, some are available to low-income households. Compassionate care pricing programs can be found throughout states that offer recreational and/or medical consumption of cannabis. Here are eight companies with compassionate care cannabis programs. 8 Discounte

Repubs In DC Seek Ban On Welfare Sales At Dispensaries

Once again conservative republicans in Washigton DC (and we assume elsewhere as well) are showing us they do NOT believe American adults have the intelligence or individual right to make choices for their own lives and well being. Apparently unless what folks want fits neatly into the conservative republican agendas they are often simply SOL. So much for the conservative republican mantra of liberty, liberty, liberty. It may be applicable for some but CERTAINLY not for all. With conservative republicans one always needs to be suspect. On to the article... Culture Magazine - Re publican lawmakers in Washington, D.C. have introduced legislation that would ban the spending of federal welfare benefits at cannabis dispensaries. Two pending pieces of legislation include language to prohibit the use of welfare benefits at marijuana retailers, including a wide-reaching Senate welfare reform bill and a stand-alone measure in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, Republican Senator St

Vape Review, CloudV Platinum

  Back from an abdominal strain (still recuperating actually) and while high on one of my favorite hybrids, GSC, ran across a post on Stoner that I think is worth reprinting. It covers the CloudV Platinum vape. An affordable vape for oil I certainly plan on trying out. It just might replace my current traveling vape pen! On to the article... Stoner - With legalization sweeping the U.S., portable vaporizers have been evolving  almost as quickly as smartphones. The market is largely split into specialize makes several flower vaporizers, but it’s their CloudV Platinum for oil, that really has me hooked. Most oil vaporizers work similarly; a replaceable heating chamber (atomizer) and rod (made of ceramic, quarts, or titanium) are wrapped in titanium wire, and heated to glowing red temperatures. This often results in my premium-priced oil (or homemade rosin) tasting burnt. Not to mention that the small titanium wires are extremely fragile, and replacement chambers run $20 each. The CloudV

An American Corporation With Some Very Good Common Sense!

  Amazon endorsed legal weed. Will it now fight to make it happen? The company’s money and power could be a game-changer for federal cannabis policy. It's not  too far fetched to think a rational, intelligent, and successful company  with lots of money and the power money brings with it would be the vehicle to wake up a government that had been lying about cannabis for nearly 100 years. As well as imprisoning good folks for consuming what is known to be a healthful as well as enjoyable experience. On to the article. When it announced its support for lawmakers’ efforts to decriminalize weed last month, Amazon didn’t just become the biggest company in America to back marijuana legalization, it captivated the cannabis industry in the process. Now, as bills pushing legalization remain stuck in Congress, activists fighting for liberalized cannabis laws are hoping the e-commerce giant will take the next step and use its considerable D.C. muscle to help get them passed. Lobbyists for lega