
Stop Federal Housing Discrimination Against Lawful Cannabis Consumers...

  NORML - Legislation is pending in Congress,  H.R. 7094  and  S. 3671 , to prevent cannabis consumers and their families from being denied access to federally-funded housing. Under current federal law, people who use marijuana – including those who do so in compliance with state laws – are ineligible for placement in federally-funded housing. Others who are already residing in subsidized housing can be evicted, even if their use is not bothering their neighbors. Every day, we at NORML hear from people who are getting kicked out on the street because of this discriminatory federal policy. Many of these people depend on marijuana to treat medical conditions. These policies often lead to entire families being evicted from federal housing, and result in higher citation and arrest rates for public consumption in marginalized communities. More than half of all Americans live in states where marijuana is legal for adults. It is cruel and unjust to punish the most vulnerable members of soci

Canada: No Increase in Hospitalizations Following Adult-Use Legalization...

  All the bogus claims of the United States government about the dangers of canabis iuse continue to fall apart. Toronto, Canada :  Policies legalizing the use and sale of cannabis products have not led to an increase in marijuana-related hospitalizations, according to  data  published in the  Journal of Addictive Diseases . Canadian investigators tracked rates of cannabis-related hospitalizations in Alberta in the years prior to and following legalization. Canadian lawmakers  legalized  the use and sale of cannabis flowers for those ages 18 and older in October 2018. Retailers began engaging in the sales of cannabis concentrates and edible products in 2020. Researchers identified an increase in hospitalizations among those ages 18 to 24 in the period immediately prior to legalization, but they acknowledged that there were no increases in hospitalizations following legalization among representatives of any age group.  “Legalization was not significantly associated with immediate or ong

Americans Of All Political Affiliations Support Cannabis Legalization At the National Level...

America is finally waking up to the many benefits of cannabis. Both medicinally and recreationally. Cannabis not only has many beneficial qualities it also is far less dangerous socially than alcohol or opiates.   NORML -   Nearly seven in ten registered voters favor “legalizing the recreational use of marijuana on a national level,” according to nationwide  polling data  commissioned by Fox News. Sixty-nine percent of respondents — including  majorities  of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents — back legalization. Only 30 percent of respondents opposed it. Those percentages are consistent with those of other recent national polls, including a  2023 survey  by Gallup. The percentage of respondents expressing “strong support” for legalization rose six percent since 2019, the last time Fox polled the question. “There’s no ‘buyer’s remorse’ among the public when it comes to legalizing cannabis,” NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano said. “As  more states  have adopted legalization,

White House Endorses Marijuana Rescheduling Plan...

  Finally, the federal government is shedding its abject ignorance relative to the safest natural medicinal plant medicine on the planet! President Joe Biden has  formally endorsed  a  proposal  by the Justice Department to reclassify ‘botanical cannabis’ from Schedule I to Schedule III under the federal Controlled Substances Act. By definition,  Schedule I substances  are criminally prohibited by federal law because they possess a “high potential for abuse“ and have “no currently accepted medical use in the United States.” Cannabis has remained classified as a Schedule I controlled substance since 1970. The President  said : “Right now, marijuana has a higher-level classification than fentanyl and methamphetamine – the two drugs driving America’s overdose epidemic. That just doesn’t add up. … Today’s announcement builds on the work we’ve already done  to pardon  a record number of federal offenses for simple possession of marijuana. I’m committed to writing those historic wrongs. You

Why Do So Many Americans Support a Neo-fascist?...

  Today's article, while not related directly to cannabis, is nonetheless very important to all aspects of our overall society. Only through education and a correct understanding will our western egocentric culture realize its true nature and potential.  

1) Capitalism = Selfishness, According to Adam Smith & Milton Freidman's Logic... (2) The 2 Reasons Why Marxism Is Becoming Popular Again: China & Capitalism...

Today we bring over a post from our affiliate site Rational Nation USA . The content is certainly one that concerns compassionate and loving Americans. Onward we go...  "Buddhanature is the innate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl  Capitalism is, or is soon to become a dying economic practice (system). The reasons are certainly many, complex, and interconnected. But the primary reason is that capitalism, particularly in the USA, has become entirely focused on increased productivity to maximize profits and increase shareholder's stake, ie increase the wealth of individual shareholders. Which means in truth, as well as in straight talk, to insure that the real (and obscene) wealth is funneled to and concentrated in the top 1 or 2 percent of the nation. When self interest becomes the driving force behind every decision, and selfishness essentially becomes a "virtue" as it i

Patients Report Improvements, Few Serious Side-effects Following Use Of High-THC Flower...

  Out of Germany -  more experiential data  on the efficacy of cannabis and high THC levels. Read on below from  NORMAL , my fellow cannabis advocates. Hannover, Germany:  Patients prescribed high-THC prescription-grade cannabis chemovars report them to be safe and effective, according to  data  published in the journal  Pharmacopsychiatry .  An international team of investigators surveyed more than 1,000 German patients authorized to use medical cannabis. (Plant cannabis and cannabinoid treatments, such as dronabinol, were legalized by prescription use in Germany in 2017.) Survey respondents obtained lab-tested cannabis flower from regional pharmacies. Potency of the most frequently used chemovar was 22 percent. The overwhelming majority of patients surveyed reported medical cannabis to be effective at treating their symptoms. Patients reported no significant differences between chemovars, most of which were dominant in THC and low in CBD content. The most commonly reported side effec

Osteoarthritis Patients Report Sustained Benefits From Cannabis...

  Being one who experiences extensive osteoarthritis, as well as one who has used medical cannabis for a few years, i can attest to the fact it has helped with flare ups when they occur. Cannabis supplemented with ibuprofen when neccessary has worked well for me. And now on to a NORMAL article on the subject. London, United Kingdom:   Patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis report pain-specific improvements following their use of medical cannabis preparations, according to  observational data  published in the  Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy .  British researchers assessed the use of cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) consisting of either flower or oil extracts in a cohort of osteoarthritis patients enrolled in the  UK Medical Cannabis Registry . (Since 2018, British specialists have been permitted to prescribe cannabis-based medicinal products to patients unresponsive to conventional medications.) Researchers assessed changes in patient-reported outcomes

Good News...

From my inbox (received from NORMAL ) to my cannabis site. This is great news, and, about 50 years late. Actually, as welcome as this mews is (it's a huge improvement) there's more to do. Moving  cannabis from Schedule 1 on the Controlled Substance List to Schedule 3 certainly improves the environment and will render benefits, but the ultimate goal remains getting it removed from the list period. Enjoy the moment, and if you can chip in to help the cause of removing cannabis from the list and getting rid of the stigma that foolish people foolishly implanted many years ago. Yesterday, the Department of Justice affirmed that the DEA has concurred with an HHS recommendation to move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act. While the DEA's opinion to reschedule cannabis fails to go far enough, it represents the first time the agency has ever abandoned its 'Flat Earth' position toward cannabis and acknowledged that the substance possess

Introduction Hemp vs Marijuana...
